
Welcome to The Anime Harvest. This website is dedicated to longer, analytical articles on Anime, Video Games, Manga, and related topics. From philosophical analysis of Kill la Kill by episode, to a Bayonetta 2 review, The Anime Harvest has been live, active, and generating content for over a year now. All articles found on the site are written by Lang’s End, and is not partnered with or represent anyone other than Lang’s End.

Though Lang’s End writes the articles, The Anime Harvest likes to encourage readers to share their thoughts in the comments. The website is not for profit, I only want to have constructive, open discussion of these topics on a deeper level then is often found on other platforms. Please, join the conversation

Email: LangsEndtah@gmail.com.
MAL: http://myanimelist.net/profile/Langs_End

Reviews: My reviews have no set structure or approach. I approach each work uniquely, and try to find its most significant elements.

This Week, On…: Week-to-week (or episode-to-episode) analysis of a show as it airs. I’m only going to do this with shows I’m really enjoying. Although these are generally for currently airing shows, I see no reason not to occasionally do it with completed shows that I missed before.

First/Second/Final Reactions: Mini reviews and expectations of anime currently airing.

  • First Reactions correspond to the first or second episode, and are pretty superficial; just saying what the anime is like, whether I’ll continue watching it, and who else might be interested in it.
  • Second Reactions correspond to episodes 3, 4, or 5, and go into more depth on where I see the show going and what themes seem substantial.
  • Final Reactions refer to the final episode, will contain spoilers, and will attempt to be the culmination my previous thoughts.

Small Thoughts on Anime/ Video Games: More isolated articles about some some smaller topic, usually one theme or aspect of an anime, or recent gaming news.

Editorials and Op-eds: Longer opinion pieces on things I feel strongly about and are in some way related to the things I write about.

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